Organize, enhance and share your photos.Free
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Welcome to the dotSpot homepage !
dotSpot is a personnal photos and videos manager and viewer.
Automatic classification of your photos and videos by shooting date on your disk's computer
Rate your photos and videos
Play videos directly inside dotSpot
Display slideshow
Browse your photos on Internet with the dotSpot Web Gallery
Crop photos
Fix red-eyes
Convert photos to gray scale or sepia
Adjust brightness
Save by overriding enhanced photo or create a new photo
Send email to your familly and friends
Export your photos and videos to a folders
Synchronize two folders
dotSpot Web Gallery: a web site with a PHP 4.X web server, a FTP access to the web site
dotSpot is a personnal photos and videos manager and viewer.
Get your photos and videos from your camera to your computerAutomatic classification of your photos and videos by shooting date on your disk's computer
Rate your photos and videos
Browse your photos and videos with the thumbnail and photo viewPlay videos directly inside dotSpot
Display slideshow
Browse your photos on Internet with the dotSpot Web Gallery
Rotate photosCrop photos
Fix red-eyes
Convert photos to gray scale or sepia
Adjust brightness
Save by overriding enhanced photo or create a new photo
Upload your photos to your dotSpot Web GallerySend email to your familly and friends
Export your photos and videos to a folders
Create a copy of your photos and videos to another location (USB external drive or other)Synchronize two folders
dotSpot Gallery and Downloader: Windows XP SP2 (with Microsoft .Net 2.0) or Windows VistadotSpot Web Gallery: a web site with a PHP 4.X web server, a FTP access to the web site